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sábado, 16 de julio de 2011

* With complaining out of the way *

If U r black or white, a woman or a man, or if U were abused, taken advantage of, or bankrupt – these facts cannot change. If your parents couldn’t afford to send you to college or if you had to work your way through school, or walk ten miles to school – these are all things in your past. It’s time to get over them and move on.

You’ll find that life will be a lot easier when you make the decision to drop your complaining. All it does is make U feel sorry for yourself – sad, angry and victimized. When U argue for your limitations, your thoughts and words merely get in your way and greatly interfere with your ability to create.
With complaining out of the way, you’ll create the space for an explosion of creativity and brilliance. Instead of focusing on problems, you’ll begin to see solutions. Instead of maintaining an “I can’t attitude", you’ll quickly develop a more positive vision for yourself.
Stop complaining!


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