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viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2011

Have U ever struggled to find an answer ??????

Have you ever struggled to find an answer? You think and think, rack your brain, and analyze the data. You go over and over the same sets of facts, yet nothing seems to happen.

When you think in this manner, you often feel insecure, frightened, and quite stressed. You’re easily bothered because you’re trying so hard to figure everything out. You’re trying hard, exerting effort, and tiring easily. There’s a part of you that isn’t sure you’ll be able to find an answer.

Then for whatever reason you stop thinking – you quiet your mind—you forget about whatever is occupying your mind and, like magic, an answer appears. And not just any answer, a perfect answer!

The next time you find yourself mentally struggling, try quieting down your mind. You may be surprised at how quickly and easily the answer you need will come to you.


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