"Welcome" I hope you enjoy the contents of this site and will be useful for all of us... ¡¡ Bienvenidos !! Espero que disfruten de los contenidos de este sitio y os sean útiles..

jueves, 7 de abril de 2011


We must be thankful for the offer and willingness to help, not the outcome

We must be thankful for the challenges, not just the successes

We must be thankful for our trials and tribulations, not just our glorious victories

We must be thankful to God for the money we might have today that we didn't have yesterday, and let go of the fact that we did not get the thousand we wanted

We must be thankful to God for the meal we had today, and not dwell on the one we might have dreamed of

We must be thankful to God for the service we have now, and let go of the fact that we did not get the service we wanted or wished we had

We must be thankful to God for that friends that are with us and support us

We must be thankful to God for everything!


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